IFA MAGAZINE • N. 3 SEPTEMBER 2016 • Innovation for architecture

IFA MAGAZINE • N. 3 SEPTEMBER 2016 • Innovation for architecture

October 04, 2016

IFA MAGAZINE: Acoustics: "reducing the reverberation time in rooms destined to sports" and "new construction systems to the achievement of high acoustic insulation in residential buildings"; Abroad: Project – DUNES CITY, Mielno, Poland-Poland.

Dear Readers,

We are surrounded by a world and a changing society, our standard of living they move like the technological developments, we acquired consumer awareness that makes us freer and more demanding than what we buy, consumer goods turnover takes a growing pace, especially those related to our person: clothes, cars, tech accessories, beauty creams , furniture, food, and even pets often are tied to a trend.

Still, the most important and strategic housing where we spend much of our lives, what we should defend from heat and cold, stress and external noises and the cataclysms that increasingly despondent over our heads, well this important nest called home, takes on a misconception when we must think about his accomplishment or to purchase it : why? Too often buyers, doesn't pretend explanations tested and certified construction of what the market offers, which will cause problems with waterproofing, thermal, acoustic, humidity, structural safety, and without considering that our homes are old and out of date already before being finished, due (or merit), evolving standards and market trends that evolve.

It would be desirable to require a changing House, changing with fashion, with technology that presses, with our taste that update: you can replace the thermal and acoustic insulation, interior fittings, electrical installations, water, but without touching the skeleton of the House; sound impossible? What would you say if I told you this already exist? Surely someone of you is already aware and know what and how many constructive examples were made, but I would like to reflect on the fact that we have to expect a similar sensitivity, because the technologies are already on the market, it comes up against the law of supply and demand which governs inexorably prices. As human beings evolved we must demand a House updateable, that sends retired the difficult restructuring, that satisfies those who live there, which creates a market that runs all the time.

Alberto Cocco